The Red Teaming Arsenal: Best Tools for Offensive Security & Ethical Hacking

Best Red Teaming tools for penetration testing and ethical hacking

💀 The Red Teaming Arsenal: Best Tools for Offensive Security & Ethical Hacking

Red teaming is all about simulating real-world attacksbypassing defenses, escalating privileges, and maintaining persistence.

If you're a penetration tester, ethical hacker, or security researcher, you need the right tools for stealth, privilege escalation, network pivoting, and post-exploitation.

This definitive Red Teaming toolkit covers the best tools for AMSI bypass, C2 frameworks, exploitation, persistence, and more!

🛠️ PowerShell Scripts for Red Teaming

PowerShell remains one of the most powerful tools for offensive security. These scripts help in gathering credentials, executing payloads, and maintaining access.

🔹 Best PowerShell Hacking Tools:
PowerSploit – Post-exploitation framework
Inveigh – Network spoofing & credential dumping
Empire – Post-exploitation framework
SessionGopher – Session token gathering
Nishang – PowerShell scripts for penetration testing

🔹 Bonus: Use these tools with C2 frameworks like Cobalt Strike, Metasploit, and Covenant for full offensive automation.

🩸 AMSI Bypass & Evasion Techniques

The Windows Antimalware Scan Interface (AMSI) detects and blocks PowerShell payloads. These tools help in bypassing AMSI and executing malicious scripts undetected.

🔹 Best AMSI Bypass Tools: – Universal AMSI bypass
PowerShdll – Load PowerShell in-memory without detection
NoAmci – Disables AMSI via patching
PSAttack – Offensive PowerShell framework

💀 Pro Tip: Combine AMSI bypass with obfuscation techniques for better stealth.

📡 Payload Hosting & C2 Frameworks

For successful remote access & exploitation, Red Teamers need a reliable way to deliver payloads. These tools allow for hosting and executing payloads remotely.

🔹 Best Tools for Payload Hosting & C2:
PwnDrop – Self-hosted file hosting & payload delivery
Updog – Python-based file hosting tool
Merlin – HTTP/2 C2 framework
Cobalt Strike – The ultimate Red Teaming C2

🚀 Pro Tip: Use domain fronting & encrypted comms to evade network detection.

🔗 Lateral Movement & Network Pivoting

Once inside a network, moving laterally & escalating access is key. These tools help in bypassing firewalls, tunneling traffic, and pivoting into internal systems.

🔹 Top Pivoting & Lateral Movement Tools:
SocksOverRDP – SOCKS proxy over RDP
Ligolo – Reverse shell & pivoting tool
Invoke-SocksProxy – Dynamic port forwarding
SSHuttle – VPN-like tunneling over SSH

🔍 Use these tools to move stealthily across networks while evading detection.

📜 Windows Privilege Escalation Techniques

Once inside a system, privilege escalation is critical to gaining full control. These tools automate privilege escalation discovery and exploitation.

🔹 Top Windows Privilege Escalation Tools:
PrivescCheck – Windows privilege escalation enumeration
WinPEAS – Automated privilege escalation checks
Sherlock – Detect vulnerable privilege escalation exploits
RoguePotato – Exploit Windows token privileges

💀 Pro Tip: Use token manipulation & DLL hijacking for stealthier escalation.

🐧 Linux Privilege Escalation & Enumeration

Linux systems are often overlooked in Red Teaming engagements. These tools help in enumerating & exploiting Linux privilege escalation paths.

🔹 Top Linux Privilege Escalation Tools:
LinPEAS – Automated privilege escalation scanner
Linux Smart Enumeration – Linux system enumeration
GTFOBins – Find binaries with privilege escalation potential
sudo_killer – Find sudo misconfigurations

🚀 Build Your Ultimate Red Teaming Arsenal Today!

🔹 Want to take your hacking skills to the next level?
🔹 Need the best Red Teaming tools in one place?
🔹 Looking for real-world exploitation techniques?

👉 Explore The Best Red Teaming Tools Now!

🛒 Check out our recommended offensive security tools & gear:
🔗 Red Team Essentials

Let's go RED!! The Blood Sucking Team. Hey! RED TEAMERS.


#webhackingseries #hamcode's swag $ Tools


Powershell Scripts

AMSI Bypass

Payload Hosting

Network Share Scanner

Reverse Shellz

Backdoor Finder


Persistence on Windows

Framework Discovery

Framework Scanner / Exploitation

File / Directory / Parameter discovery

Rest API Audit

Windows Privilege Escalation / Audit


Windows Privilege Abuse (Privilege Escalation)



Buffer Overflow and Exploit Development

MindMaps by Joas

Lateral Movement

POST Exploitation

Wrapper for various tools

Active Directory Audit and exploit tools

Web Vulnerability Scanner / Burp Plugins

Web Exploitation Tools

Linux Privilege Escalation / Audit

Command and Control

Adversary Emulation


Malware Analysis and Reverse Engineering

