How to Hack all Tech Series! The Dark side of hacking and Fraud!

About This Course
This course was written by me, hamcodes, but it’s been refined and updated with input from trusted individuals in the field. Some sections were rewritten to ensure clarity, especially for those navigating language barriers. Moving forward, you’ll notice a mix of my writing style and collaborative insights.
Here’s the thing: there’s no one way to do things. These courses aren’t the gospel of fraud—they’re my perspective, shaped by years of experience. If you’ve got something to add or a better way to explain something, hit me up. Let’s keep this knowledge fresh and relevant for everyone.
My Journey: From $0 to Hundreds of Thousands
When I started, I blew $1,000–$3,000 on useless guides, tools, and equipment. Most of it was trash—guides written by people who didn’t know what they were talking about. Sound familiar?
I’ve been where you are: frustrated, broke, and desperate for real information. That’s why I created HamCodes. These courses are the real deal—written by someone who’s been in the trenches, made the profits, and lived to tell the tale.
What You’ll Need
Let’s be real: you’ll need a starting budget. Fraud isn’t free. You’ll be investing in:
- Stolen credit card info (CVV, fullz, etc.)
- Burner phones
- Card readers/writers
- Printing/embossing equipment
- VPNs, RDPs, and proxies
If you’re expecting everything to be handed to you for free, you’re in the wrong place. Information is power, and power comes at a cost.
Why I’m Doing This
Some people ask, “Why share this knowledge if you’re already making bank?” Simple: I’ve made my money, and now I want to give back. I’ve been in the game for over a decade, riding the waves of RATs, ransomware, and crypto booms. But the landscape is changing.
With tools like Clearview AI and advanced fraud detection systems, the window of opportunity is closing. I’m out of the carding game now—it’s too risky and time-consuming. But I want to help you maximize the time we have left.
The 2025 Reality
Fraud is harder than ever. Companies are investing heavily in cybersecurity, and AI is making it tougher to fly under the radar. But the game isn’t over—it’s just evolving.
This course is designed to get you up to speed with modern methods and tactics. Whether you’re carding electronics, skimming bank accounts, or running gift card schemes, you’ll learn how to adapt and thrive in 2025.
What’s Coming Next
This is just Part 1 of the fraud series, focusing on credit card fraud. If you’ve enjoyed my web hacking series, you’re going to love this.
Motivate me to release more content faster by supporting the platform. Buy something from the HamCodes Hacking Collection and let’s keep this knowledge flowing.
Chapter 1: My Background
This chapter is a quick dive into my journey—think of it as my “resume.” I’ve been in the carding game for over a decade, starting small and scaling up to hundreds of thousands in profits.
I’ve carded everything from electronics to high-ticket items, but I’ve learned that the real money is in smarter, riskier schemes. We’ll cover all of it—what works, what doesn’t, and how to avoid the pitfalls that land most carders in jail.
Let’s Get Started
Welcome to the Carding Course, you fucking animals. It’s time to level up.
Next up: Chapter 2—Mindset and Reality.
Disclaimer: This course is for educational purposes only. Always stay within the bounds of the law.
By reading through the Hamcodes Hacking courses you'll join me on a journey as I dive deep into the realm of credit card and bank account fraud. The information and knowledge I've collectively obtained throughout all of my hacking journey will be of great benefit to you when looking to learn the topics discussed. I've already made my profits and I wanted to create something new for everyone to learn real stuff and avoid all the bullshit nonsense out there. It's time to pass this tradecraft down to the next.
Fuck if I was you when I first started out learning everything and found this place I'd be so lucky. You're lucky you found this place! What a fucking time to be alive. Enjoy!
This course has been written by hamcodes. However, to ensure this course was up to date and relevant it has been collaborated on by some individuals in the flied I know personally and professionally over quite a long period of time. I've had to re-write some things as language barriers can be an issue for everyone so this course is written in my writing style. Moving forward when you're reading this the course will be a combination of that. If that makes any sense.
First off. There is not just one way to to things. These courses are not the word of law when it comes to fraud but they are told from my perspective so if you have something to add, have a better way of explaining things, or anything you think that I don't know that pertains to the topics in these courses send me a god damn PM to let me know what is WAT. That way we can keep it all updated for everyone to enjoy and cause a fuck show against are enemies! Fuck yes.
Looking back when I was starting out with hacking I probably spent roughly $1000 - 3000 USD on various items for my initial fraud operation which included spending most of my hard earned money on useless shit. To be honest most of that budget was blown on every "decent" fraud guide I came across within a (3) year period which ranged from $50 - $500 USD per guide and the ID printer I purchased wasn't cheap. I went through every carding guide that I purchased to determine if the information was valid, was I successful with what I learned, was the risk worth it, was there any information I was missing out on, and whether it was up to date.
When you gain experience in hacking and you look back on the guides you purchased you realize just how terrible they truly were and the people writing them didn't know fuck all just like you. The more experience in hacking I obtained the more I realized almost all of the guides I purchased were complete garbage and they really didn't give me the confidence in what the fuck I was doing.
Maybe you've also purchased guides and realized the same fucking thing but I promise you that all the cyberhacking courses being released at Hamcodes are as real as it gets and they're created by a person with real life experience.
Trust me, this is what you've been looking for.
Everything at Hamcodes is up to date and relevant for you so don't spend any more money on useless shit until you've finished this course because it will save you a lot of money and headache this I can assure you. This course is written factual, from experience, from success, and with a story line vibe for helping you understand credit card fraud a little easier.
Make no mistake that you will need some sort of starting budget to get your fraud operation off the ground and running. A realistic budget is important because you're going to be purchasing things such as stolen credit card information, bank accounts, burner cell phones, credit card reading and writing equipment, printing equipment, embosser machines, VPNs, RDPs, socks, other equipment's, etc.
Just like any other business it takes some investment of your own money to get things going so if you're reading this right now thinking everything will be handed to you for free I want you to go out and buy the orange place , take pants and underwear off, spread ass cheeks and do a cannonball as if you were jumping into a pool right onto the pylon with DAT ASS.
Don't be so naive thinking everything in this world is free. Things in life are not free friends. Information is power don't you know?
I decided to take a fun journalistic approach when writing the hacking course series so you can learn how to hack with modern day methods and tactics in an enjoyable way. Just like the Hamcodes hacking courses the fraud courses are designed in a way to get you up to date with proper information along with focusing efforts in order to be successful in 2025.
People should be asking themselves why am I releasing this information? Why do this? If I'm making money cash in bills. why even try to create a place like Hamcodes? I know some may doubt this but believe it or not I've made quite a large sum of money mostly in the hacking world but some with fraud and have been coasting in life for a long time. Any hacker that has been in the game in the past 5-10 years with RATs, ransomware, and infecting everyone and everything has made a significant amount of crypto you can trust that. Plus, while making BTC from my cybercriminal activities during the time crypto went through the roof in price was a fun ride. Amirite?
Honestly I'm glad I'm out of the carding game because there are fuck faces like ClearView AI out there today.I realized online carding was too time consuming for the amounts I was profiting and I was just sick and tired of my eBay accounts getting shut down lol. ClearView AI has spooked me because no doubt they have my face somewhere on some security footage and some fuck face cop is going to plug it into the big data machine and out comes my Facebook linked to me thanks to facial recognition. Fucking awesome. See ya in 15 years guys. You get what I mean! So.This is my gift to people wanting to learn carding so fuck it. Enjoy this shit.
Truth be told most companies are actually getting more cyber secure while operating on the internet. Wow! No shit! Mother fuckers like us are getting a little out of control so this makes sense. The window of opportunity is closing so let's maximize this together! You don't have to go full tits out right away with carding but the amount of online fraud that happens is fucking mind blowing. Why miss the boat?
I've taken the time to do all the leg work for you and have put together this hacking guide series to rocket ship your knowledge ahead of the rest so you're in a position to make money. The year is 2025 and it's time to get up to date information and caught up with everything hacking related.
I hope you enjoy part one of the fraud courses and if you've watch the my web hacking series and Tictok then I know you will enjoy this. Stop wasting your time learning shit from 2011 so sit back, smoke crack, relax, and enjoy.
I've taken the time to do all the leg work for you and have put together this Hacking/fraud guide series to rocket ship your knowledge ahead of the rest so you're in a position to make money. The year is 2025 and it's time to get up to date information and caught up with everything fraud related.
Part 1 of the Hacking courses will focus on credit card fraud.
Motivate me to release more series faster by buying at least one item from my hacking collection.
Welcome to the Carding course you fucking animals. And away we go...
This chapter is a brief summary of my background and experience that was used to help develop and create this carding course. You can consider this chapter as my "resume" and although my methods and tactics discussed may not work for everyone this is just from my carding career perspective. Ride your own wave friends. Hello and welcome to 2025.
I have much experience with carding for the past 5 years and have been riding the wave for quite some time. In my younger years I was carding everything from electronics to clothing but once I matured I realized this was bullshit and learned about other credit card fraud schemes that were much more profitable, easier, but a little more riskier. We will discuss carding in detail shortly but first a little about myself.
I'm an experienced carder and have been able to profit literally hundreds of thousands of dollars without really encountering any major issues once I figured out a good method for the place I was carding against. My opinion is carding items online is not where your efforts should be focused but we'll still discuss all types of carders in this course for you to decide what is best for you and your situation. I think it's beneficial to learn everything about credit card fraud to give you a solid foundation to build on towards whatever level of carder you choose to be.
People that are carding and performing fraud are just average people like me and you, for the most part. They've accumulated the right knowledge and skills needed for them to succeed. If they didn't have that knowledge or skill set they simply figured out a way to either purchase or obtain it. Pretty straight forward right? If you can't hack a website to skim credit card data then you're forced to purchase credit cards from others who can. This should make sense, right? It's also about networking sometimes and knowing the right people. Timing, just like in life, can be everything. Carders and fraudsters aren't super master criminals. The only difference between you and them is they know how to do it, and you don't. Yet.
I got into the carding scene around 2012. Well actually longer then 2012 but 2014 I consider my "real" start in making money. Anyways, I was in my small ass studio staring out the window debating on next step in life you know? if you know what I mean? Maybe you can relate who knows.
I had some hacking skills at the time but I needed to learn more about fraud because I was hearing about the success of other people with carding and I wanted in on that shit. How do I learn this craft? Where do I start? And how do I become successful with this?
I already spent way too much time in many other forums trying learn carding/hacking from the WRONG people, buying the wrong items, and sending my Liberty Reserve (LR) to everyone I shouldn't have. Liberty Reserve was before Bitcoin which was a fraud diamond in the rough at the time. Google that shit.
Anyways, I know I needed proper information or just a little nudge in the right direction so I decided within 24 hours of the first thought of "how can I commit some type of fraud? I put myself in a situation where failure was not an option. Eminem really got that lyric right. That week I spent with him was my fraud diploma school as I call it. It was my moment when I looked at the fraud world differently and realized the way I can make a good living off of it. I also realized my "potential" or my "skill level" in fraud. We all have our own potential and max skill levels with fraud. All of us know something different and think a little differently. Anyways, until the opioid crisis sucked that dude down and buried him like so many people I knew he made a ton of money in a small amount of time.
We all say "once I make money I'm going to lay low don't worry" at the beginning like somehow we're immune to greed or some shit. Umm yeah OK I think we all THINK we're going to lay low when we start making money but when all of a sudden it's raining dollars you're gonna go on a maniac spree like the rest of us. I will bet on that shit man.
I was ballz deep in the forums talking with so many people trying to get my shit off the ground and get rich. I came to realize that most people that had input on carding, fraud, etc. didn't know any more than I did. The people I talked to had some sort of idea but the real carders were long gone and the people giving me information didn't really know what the fuck was going on. I knew the basics and knew I needed to obtain a stolen credit card (CC) number, expiry date, CVV, Date Of Birth (DOB), name on the card, address, telephone number, and location of the card holder to be successful. I knew the basics, which I'm sure you do too. What I started off doing in the beginning was trying to card high priced items from major online retailers with stolen credit card details but didn't realize how stupid that was but that's where I started out. I think most carders start out at thinking that that's how they'll be successful too. Starting out I didn't know where to purchase the items I needed for carding from a trusted source. Having legitimate places that you can purchase valid carding items from is a huge part of being successful with any level of carding.
Anyways, I think all of us have moments in life where something just "clicks". My week with that dude was my moment. You know? Those Aha! moments that changes how we think, view a specific problem, idea, or crazy money rich fraud plan.
After that week of learning fraud I put my new knowledge to use and went full fucking tilt into anything credit card fraud related. My income was only from committing fraud and from fraud only. I made my own "work" schedule and make good money but this can vary some months. This is my story and this can be your story to if you choose to make shit fucking happen.
You don't know how to commit fraud because you don't know exactly how to, right? Obviously! You don't know how to drive a motorbike until you fucking learn how to drive a motorbike? Yes? The only difference is you don't want to make a mistake with fraud or you go off to jail ass fuck land. I guess you don't want to make a mistake on a motorbike either but you get what I'm saying.
Right now let's do a little exercise. I want you to take a moment and think to yourself. Can you think of people who commit fraud? Any people come to mind? I know you know people who commit credit card fraud because you hear about them all the time... You hear about them all the time because they're on the news, getting charged with fraud, and going to jail. It's not like it's not impossible. Obviously it is, people are doing it! The problem is those idiots don't know how to fully get away with it. Those people didn't have that key piece of the puzzle needed to be successful and stay out of jail.
How many times do you read about a crime where they netted quite a large sum of money only to be arrested for mental retardation? For example, this bloke pulls off a wicked fraud scheme and gets millions of dollars but used his personal email to sign up for the PayPal account he uses to cash out. Like OK buddy? Are you sure? They didn't even take into consideration anything going upside down on them? Fuck! It baffles me nuts right off my body. Not only do you want to learn how to commit fraud but you want to get away with it. Put some efforts into getting the right knowledge before fucking yourselves over.
You will be taught everything there is to know about carding and bank accounts within the Americas and Europe at Hamcodes. Who the fuck knows what's happening everywhere else in the world but if you can be successful in those countries then it's assumed you're good worldwide. I don't think the country of papua new guinea has better fraud security than the Americas or Europe. LOL. Maybe I'm wrong. I'm not.
I hope you enjoy this carding course and the other Hacking series coming soon at Hamcodes. Motivate me to release more series faster by buying at least one item from my hacking collection
Let's get into it before the Elon Musk's Bots replace us gets into shall we. Next Chapter Two.