Hamcode's bug bounty Methodology

Hamcode's bug bounty Methodology

How website work with HTML,CSS and JavaScript

Don't over Complicate things

  • logging in
  • Commenting on a post


  • what did they consider when setting this up?
  • Can i maybe find a vulnerability here?
  • Can you comment with basic HTML such a <h2>
  • where is it reflected on the page?
  • Can i input XSS in my name
  • Does it make any requests to an /api/endpoint
  • Which may contain more interesting endpoints?
  • Can i edit this post?
  • Maybe there's IDOR?!

Developer experience

  • Understanding what a payload is trying to achieve?
  • Why and how did a hacker come up with this payload?
  • What does it do?
  • why did they need to come up with this a payload?
  • Combine this with playing with basic HTML
  • What path/parameter does the code take (POST or GET,json post data etc)
  • brute force some common parameters (can get lucky on guessing)

[Be curious and just try,You can't be wrong]

Real life example / Vulnerability Disclosure program

Google search companies ready to work with researchers

  • “responsible disclosure program”
  • “vulnerability disclosure program”
  • “vulnerability program rewards”
  • “bugbounty reward program”
  • inurl: vulnerability disclosure
  • inurl: responsible disclosure

My basic toolkit

  1. Burp Suite for intercept,Modify & repeat on the fly
  2. OWASP?Amass Discovering subdomains,
    • It uses the most sources for discovery with a mixture of passive, active
    • Amass
      • Subdomains
      • amass enum -brute -active -d domain.com -o amass-output.txt
  3. Httprobe
    • Find working http and https servers
    • httprobe
    • Extra ports by setting the -p flag
      • cat amass-output.txt | httprobe -p http:81 -p http:3000 -p https:3000 -p http:3001 -p http:8000 -p http:8080 -p https:8443 -c 50 | tee online-domains.txt
  4. Anew Domain
    • play nicely as the new domain go straight to stdout,
    • anew
      • cat new-output.txt | a new old-output.txt | httprobe
  5. Dnsgen
    • For thorough check finding some gems,
    • dnsgen
      • `cat amass-output.txt | dnsgen - | httprobe
  6. Aquatone
    • For visual inspection is a good idea
    • aquatone
    • its accepts endpoints and files, not just domains
      • cat domains-endpoints.txt | aquatone
  7. FFUF
    • The fastest and most customisable
    • ffuf
    • ffuf -ac -v -u https://domain/FUZZ -w wordlist.txt
  8. Wordlists
    • SecLists contains every type of scanning
    • seclists
    • Grad a list and start scanning see what you can find
  9. CommonSpeak
    • Generate new wordlists based on keywords found on the program
    • commonspeak
    • Usage
  10. Custom Tools
  11. WaybackMachine scanner
    • this scrape /robots.txt for all domains and also scrape the main homepage of each subdomain
    • Then scan each end point using Burpintruder or FFuF to detamine which end point are still alive
    • publicTool
    • some of the old files are still there indexed
  12. ParamScanner
    • custom tool used to scrape each endpoint and discover search for inputs names & ID and try its parameters
    • its also search for var{name}=""
    • javascriptfile
    • URLs javascriptfiles
    • parameth brute forcing parameters

[Note : The trend for my tool is to find new content, parameters and functionality to poke at. ]

Common issues I start with & why

  • Stick to what you know best to create an impact with your feelings
  • Common bugs for on bug bounty programs and spend much time learning how the web application works.
  • Developers make the same mistakes over internet
  • Look through the design of the application
  • The trend they are following (open source flame works)
  • Look for filters in place and aim to bypass these

1. Cross Site Scripting (XSS)

  • This is the most common vulnerabilities found on the bug bounty program

  • Input your HTML into a parameter/field and the website reflect it as valid HTML

    • example: Search form -> Enter <img src=x onerror=alert(0)>
    • Upon Search it shows back a broken image along with an alert box.
  • This means your inputted string was reflected as valid HTML and it is vulnerable to XSS

  • Test every parameter to find out if its reflected

  • as we test we can also look for Blind XSS and Reflective XSS

  • The only hardship is to bypass the WAFs. there is no clear way to do it execpt try and error and also look for other researchers how they bypassed them

  • Remember to create a lead.

  • if we receive a filter, it comes that the parameter we are testing is vulnerable to XSS

  • But the developer created a filter to prevent any malicious HTML

  • This should also be one of the reason you spending looking for XSS

  • if they are filtering certain payloads, it can give you a feel for the overall security of their site

  • This is an easy bug to prevent, so its easy to create filter

  • Think of SSRF filtering just internal IP addresses? perhaps they forgot about

    Process for testing for XSS & Filtering

    • Step one: Testing different encoding and checking for any weird behaviour

      • find out what payloads are allowed on the parameter how the website reflects/handle it
        • most basic <h2>,<img>,<table> without any flitering
        • is it reflected as HTML?
        • are they filtering malicous HTML?
        • if its reflected as &itor %3c ?
        • test the double encoding %253C and %26it
        • Some other interesting encodings to try out ghettoBypass
      • This is test is to find out what's allowed and isn't and how they handle our payload
        • Example: if <script> was reflected as &it;script&gt; but %26itscript%26gtwas reflected as <script>
        • Then i know am on to a bypass and i can begin to understand how they are handling encodings
        • Which can help in finding other bugs
        • If not matter what you always see &it;script&gt; or %3script%3E then the parameter may not be vulnerable
    • Step Two : Reverse engineering the developers' thoughts (this gets easier) with time experience.

      • Getting into the developers head as check what type of filters they've created.
      • And start asking why?
      • Does this filter exist elsewhere throughout the webapp?
        • Example: Notice if they are filtering <script>,<iframe> aswell as "onerror=" but notice they aren't filtering <scriptthen we know it's a game on and time to be creative.
        • Are they only looking for complete valid HTML tags?
        • if so we can bypass with <scriptsrc=//mysite.com?c=
        • if we don't end the tag and its instead appended as a parameter value .
        • is it just a blacklist of bad HTML tags?
        • may the developer is not up to date and forgot things such as <svg>
        • if it is just a blacklist, then does this blacklist exist elsewhere?
        • lets thinks about file uploads.
      • how does this website handle encodings? <00iframe>, on%0derror
      • Try many different combinations as possible with different encoding, format
      • The more you poke the more you learn
      • More payloads xsspayloads
    • Testing for XSS flow

      • how are "non-malicious" HTML tags such as <h2> handled?
      • What about incomplete tags? <iframe src=//hamcodes.com/c=
      • How do they handle encodings such as <00h2?
      • There are LOTS to try here, %0d, %0a,%09 etc
      • is it just a blacklist or hardcoded strings?
      • Does </script/x>work? <ScRipt>etc.
    • Following this process will help you approach XSS from all angles and determine what filtering may be in place and you can usually get a clear indication if a parameter is vulnerable to XSS within a few minute

2. Cross Site Request Forgery(CSRF)

  • This involves forcing users to do a specific action on the target website from your website
    • Via HTML form (<form action= "/login"method="POST"> )
    • Example: CSRF bug is forcing user to change their account email to one controlled by you.
    • it can lead to account takeover
  • Developers can protect CRSF easily but some opt to create custom code instead.
  • when hunting for this bug, Look at areas on website with protection around them
    • Such as updating your account information
    • This can also give you a clear security on the system site
    • What behaviour do you see when sending a blank CSRF value?
    • Did it reveal any framework information from an error?
    • Did it reflect your changes but with a CSRF error?
    • Have you seen this parameter name used on other websites?
    • Maybe there isn't even any protection?
  • Test their most secure features(account functions usually as mentioned above)
    • Then work your way backwards
  • Some feature may have different CRSF protection as you continue to test the site.
    • Consider why is it ?
    • Different team?
    • Old codebase?
    • perhaps a different parameter name is used
    • Now you can hunt specifically for this parameter knowing its vulnerable.
  • Developers only check the referrer header value, if its not their website then drop the request.
  • This backfires by getting a blank referrer, if the checks only execute when the referrer header is actually found, and if it isn't no checks done .
    • <meta name="referrer" content="no-referrer"/>
    • iframe src="data:text/html;baseˆ$,form_code_here">
  • Sometimes they only check their domain. if found in the referrer
  • Creating a directory on your site & visit https://www.yoursite.com/https://www.theirsite.com/
  • This may bypass the checks.
  • what about https://www.theirsite.computer/?
  • My focus is finding areas with CSRF protection (sensitive area!)
  • Check see if they created custom filtering.
    • Where there is a filter, there is usually a bypass
  • There isn't a list of common areas when hunting for CSRF.
    • every website contains different features, but typically all sensitive features should be protected from CSRF.
    • so find the sensitive areas and test them.
  • Example: if the website allows you to checkout,
    • can you force the user to checkout thus forcing their card to charged

3. Open url redirects

  • Favourite bug to find because success rate is usually 100%

  • This done by using harmless redirect in a chain

  • if the target has some type of Oauth flow which handle a token along with a redirect.

  • Open the URL redirects are simply urls such as.

  • Filter sometimes can exist to stop you

  • below are some of the payload i use to bypass filters the can also be used to determine how their filter is working.

    • \/yoururl.com
    • `//yoururl.com
    • \\yoururl.com
    • //yoururl.com
    • //theirsite@yoursite.com
    • `//yoursite.com
    • https://yoursite.com%3F.theirsite.com/
    • https//yoursite.com%2523.theirsite.com/
    • `https://yoursite?c=.theirsite.com(use # \ also)
    • //%2F/yoursite.com
    • ////yoursite.com
    • https://theirsite.computer/
    • https://theirsite.com.mysite.com
    • `/%0D/yoursite.com (Also try %09, %00, %0a, %07)
    • /%2F/yoururl.com
    • /%5Cyoururl.com
    • //google%E3%80%82com
  • Some common words i dork for on google to find end points:(Test upper & lower case too)

    • return
    • return_url
    • rUrl
    • cancelUrl
    • url
    • redirect
    • follow
    • goto
    • returnTo
    • returnUrl
    • r_Url
    • history
    • goback
    • redirectTo
    • redirectUrl
    • redirUrl
  • let's take advantage of our findings

  • The login page look like this:

  • Account takeover report incoming!

  • One common problem people run into is not encoding the values correctly

  • Especially if the target only allows for /localRedirects

    • My payload will look like
      • /redirect?goto=https://hamcodes.com/
      • Using ?goto=parameter may get dropped in redirects(depending on how the web application works and how many redirects occurs)
      • This can be case if it contain multiple parameters (via &)
      • And the redirect parameter maybe missed
      • I'll also encode certain values such as & ? # / \ to force the browser to decode it after the first redirect
        • Location: /redirect%3Fgoto=https://www.hamcodes.com/%253Fexample=hax
      • which then redirects the browser and then kindly decode %3F in the BROWSER URL to?,
      • the parameter were successfully sent through
        • https://www.example.com/redirect?goto=https://www.hamcodes.com/%3Fexample=hax,
      • which then when it redirects again will allow the ?example parameter to also be sent.
    • sometimes I'll double encode them based on how many redirects are made & parameters.
      • https://example.com/login?return=https://example.com/?redirect=1%26returnurl=http s%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F
      • https://example.com/login?return=https%3A%2F%2Fexample.com%2F%3Fredirect=1%2526returnurl%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fwww.google.com%252F
  • When hunting for url redirects they can also be used in SSRF

  • If the redirect you discover is via the “Location:” header then XSS will not be possible

  • if it redirected via something like “window.location” then you should test for “javascript:” instead of redirecting to your website as XSS will be possible here.

  • Some common ways to bypass filters:

    • java%0d%0ascript%0d%0a:alert(0)
    • j%0d%0aava%0d%0aas%0d%0acrip%0d%0at%0d%0a:confirm0 java%07script:prompt0
    • java%09scrip%07t:prompt0
    • jjavascriptajavascriptvjavascriptajavascriptsjavascriptcjavascriptrjavascriptijavascript
    • pjavascriptt:confirm0

Server Side Request Forgery (SSRF)

  • This is the in-scope domain issuing a request to an URL/endpoint you've defined.
  • Sometimes it doesn't always signal the target is vulnerable.
  • when hunting for SSRF i look for features which already take an _URL parameter
    • Why?
    • because i look for specific areas on website where the developer may have created filters to prevent malicious activity.
      • Example : I'll try finding their API Console (i check on their developer docs page if available)
        • These areas usually contains features which take _URL parameter and execute
  • Think about webhooks and hunt for features which handle URLs
  • I keep an eye out for common parameter names used for handling URLs
  • when Testing SSRF i always test how they handle redirects
    • You can host a redirect locally via using XAMPP & NGrok.
    • XAMPP allows you to run PHP code locally and ngrok gives you a public internet address
      • Don't forget to turn it off when finishe testing
    • for Tutorials to set XAMPP up refer
      Setup a simple redirect script and see if the target parses the redirect and follows
    • What happen if you add sleep(1000) before the redirects?
    • Can you cause the server to hang and timeout?
    • Maybe their filter is only checking the parameter value!
    • Does it check the redirect value and successfully allows you to read internal data?
    • Try a potential open redirect you have discovered as part of you chain
    • if they are filtering external websites.
  • Hunt for third party software they may be using such as jira.
  • Stay up to date with the lastest CVE's.
  • software like this usually contains interesting server related features

File uploads for stored XSS & remote code execution

  • Developers create filter as to what files to allow and what to block.
  • if files are stored on their domain then the first thing to check uploading is:
    • .txt
    • .svg
    • .xml
  • These three file sometimes are forgotten and slip the filter.
  • fast test with .txt see how strict the filter is
  • if it says only images .jpg,.png,.gif are allowed for example
  • This can give you an indication that all photos are stored in the same format regardless of type of photo we upload.
  • Are they not trusting any of out input if we save it as .jpg regardless
  • The approach of testing file upload filenames is similar to XSS with testing various characters and encoding.
    • example: what happen if you name the file .hamcodes.php/.jpg
    • the code may see it as .jpg but the server writes it as hamcodes.php and miss everything after the forward slash.
    • I've also had success with the payload hamcodes.html%0d%0a.jpg.
    • the server will see it as .jpg but because %0d%0a are newline characters
    • it will be saved as hamcodes.html
    • Some filenames are reflected on the page and you can smuggle XSS character in the filename
    • Some developers think users can save file with <> "characters in them.

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="58832_300x300.jpg<svg onload=confirm()>"
Content-Type: image/jpeg


  • what is the developer checking for exactly?
  • How are they handling it ?
  • Are they trusting any of our input?
    • if i provide it with this , how will it handle it


Content-Disposition: form-data; name="imageupload"; filename="hamcodes.jpg" 
Content-Type: text/html
  • Does the code see the .jpg and think image extension.
  • Does it trust the content type and reflect it as Content-Type:text/html?
  • Does it set content type based on the extension?
  • what happens if you provide it with NO file extension?(or file name!)
  • will it default to the content-type or file extension?

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="imageupload"; filename="hamcodes." 
Content-Type: text/html

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="imageupload"; filename=".html" 
Content-Type: image/png
<html>HTML code!</html>

-it is all about providing it with malformed input & seeing how much of that they trust.
-they may not be doing checks on the file extension.
-They are instead doing checks on the image size.
-sometimes if you leave the image header this enough to bypass the checks.

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="oauth_application[logo_image_file]"; filename="testing1.html"
Content-Type: text/html

spending enough time testing the filter in file upload is worthy

insecure Direct Object Reference (IDOR)

  • An example of an IDOR bug is simply a url such as http://api.hamcodes.com/user/1
  • which when queried will give you the information to the user id "1".
  • Changing it to user id "2" should give you an error and refuse to show you the user's details,
  • However if they are venerable, then it will allow you to view that users' details
  • IDOR is about changing integer values(numbers) to another and seeing what happens.
  • That the explain like i'm 5".
  • its not as simple as looking for just (1) values.
  • Sometimes you will see a GUID (2b7498e3-9634-4667-b9ce-a8e81428641e)
  • Or another type of encrypted value.
  • Brute forcing GUIDs is usually a dead end
  • at this stage i check for any leaks of this value.
    • example:https://www.example.com/images/users/2b7498e3-9634-4667-b9ce-a8e81428641e/ photo.png
    • ex.2 : creating an online Appointment Form
    • Questions
      • As the value leaked anywhere on the site?
      • perhaps its been indexed by Google?
    • I start to look for more keywords such as "appointment", "appointmentID"
    • Test to see if the ID is generated with the same characters or length.
    • Check with an integer value, the server may process it it the same way
    • mobile app would be my first target on a program if am hunting for IDOR.
    • when querying for profile information it will likey make a request to their API with just user ID to identify who you are.
  • Example: a website which allows to upload private photos but you've discovered an IDOR which allows you to view any photo you wish.
  • Think deeper
  • what else have they forgotten to do certain permission checks on?
  • Can you sign up as various different roles (admin, guest),
  • Can you perform admin actions as a guest?
  • can non paying members access paid features?
  • Hunting for integer values i try to inject ID parameters.
  • if the request and the post data is JSON {"example":"example"}.
  • Try simply injecting a new parameter name {"example":"example","id":"id"}
  • Json is parsed server-side and for all other requests look for PUT request

CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing )

  • This is another common area to check filters to bypass.
  • Look for headers with
    • Acesss-Control-Allow-Origin
    • Access-Allow-Credentials:true
  • These headers allow an external website to read the contents of the website.
    • Example :
      • if you have the sensitive information on https://api.hamcodes/user/ and you saw Acesss-Control-Allow-Origin: https://www.yoursite.com/.
      • Then you could the content of this website successfully via yoursite.com.
      • Access-Allow-Credentials:true will be needed if season cookies are required on the request.
      • Developer will only create filters to only allow for their domain to read the contents but remember.
      • when there is a filter there is usually a bypass
      • CORS misconfiguration simply add Origin:theirdomain.com on to every request you make
      • Then grep for Acesss-Control-Allow-Origin
      • other approach anythingheretheirdomain.com

SQL Injection

  • legacy code is more vulnerable to SQL injection.
  • keep an eye for old features.
  • Take all places which query the database for inputs
  • These days most of the developers disable error messages so its not the if you don't the error thats where it stops
  • Try checking with a sleep payload.(usually they'll slip through any filter )
  • It's easy to indicate the delay on the response which would mean your payload was executed blindly
  • I'll use between 15-30 seconds to determine if the page is actually vulnerable
    • or sleep(15)and 1=1#
    • or sleep(15)#
    • union select sleep(15),null#
  • when texting for SQL injection I will take the same approach as XSS and test throughout the web application. though they are rare to find these days

Business/Application Logic

This involves understanding how the website work and create weird behaviour which can lead to interesting findings.

  • example : if you test a target with max limit of $1,000. if you change that to $10000 and bypass their limit then you've done nothing but take advantage of the feature
  • Common areas to look for this bug is new feature which interact with old features
    • example: Getting premium access but they require a valid payment data.you need to upgrade to access the page So the valid payment data act as identification.

    • If we bypass it then will own the page

    • Spending days/weeks understanding how the developer expected the user to input/do

    • Then come up with ways to break & bypass this.

      • example: Signup for a account with the email example example@target.com.
      • sometimes these accounts have special privileges such as no rate limiting and bypassing certain verfications.
  • You get to find mure of these bugs if you have an understanding how the website works.
  • understanding how things SHOULD work
  • imagine different endpoints available to some users and how they can access them.
  • Looking out for APIs
  • This bug doesn't need any use of payload just understanding the flows of the web application and circumventing these

Choosing a program

  • Seven step methodology:
    • Spending months on their program(You can't find bugs in weeks some companies are huge)
    • Choose a wide scope and well know names (easy to find mistakes in big company)
    • Focus on you to pick the platform
    • The main methodology is using features available to me on their website and find issues.
    • Then expand my attack surface as i scan for subdomains, file and directories
    • Spending more time getting into developers' head
    • Complete mind-map of this company and how everything works. Don't rush the process, trust it.

checklist for a good well run bug bounty program.

  • Direct Communication of rely on the platform 100% (managed service then proceed with caution.)
  • Does the program look active ? when was the scope last updated
  • How does the team handle low hanging fruit bugs which are chained to create more impact?
  • Does the team reward each XSS as the same or do they recognise your work and reward more.
  • Don't be afraid to walk away from bad experiences.
  • Response time across 3-5 reports. not more than month.

Writing notes as you hack

  • This save you from burnout in the feature and it streamlines the process
  • You can always refer back to you notes and revisits interesting endpoints
  • Trying new feature with anew approach with a fresh mindset.
  • Note down
    • interesting endpoints
    • Behaviour and parameters(as you are browsing and hacking the web application)
    • features which can/ can't be exploited
    • what you have tried what you believe is vulnerable
    • Never burn yourself out
    • If your guts is saying you are tired of testing then move on.
  • Note can help you to create custom wordlists.
    • example: You are testing example.com and we've discovered /admin /admin-new /server_health
    • parameters debug and isTrue
    • we can create example.com-endpoints.txt & params.txt, we know these endpoints work on the specific domain
    • from there you can test all the endpoints /parameters across multiple domains
    • create a global-endpoints.txt and begin create commonly found endpoints.
    • Overtime you will end up with lots of endpoints/parameters for specific domains
    • you can start to map out a web application much easier.

Let's apply my methodology & hack!

step one: Getting a feel for things

  • First Question: Has anyone else found anything and disclosed a writeup?
  • Google, HackerOne disclosed and OpenBugBounty for any issues in the past
  • Any interesting bypass used by other Hackers
  • How the main website works
  • Testing the login or register feature
    • Can i login with my social media account?
    • Is it the same on the mobile application?
    • if i try another geolocation can i login with more options?
    • What characters aren't allowed.
    • let my thought go down a rabbit hole because thats what make me a natural hacker
    • what inputs can you control when you sign up?
    • What are these reflected?
    • Does the mobile signup use a different codebase?
  • ***Below is a list of key features i go for on my first initial look
  • ***Question i ask myself when looking for vulnerabilities

Registration Process

  • what's required to sign up?
  • if there's a lot of information (Name, location, bio, etc)
  • where is this then reflected after signup?

***upload a photo

  • check what type of file we can upload?
  • Can we upload a normal jpeg but change the extension to .txt .xml and .svg
  • This depends on the web application works, you may not see where your photo is uploaded until after you complete the registration process.
  • re-testing features multiple times works well here.
    ***Display name and profile description
  • where are they reflected/stored until you complete the signup process.
  • What characters are allowed?
  • where is this information used?
  • Try sign up with <> see if it's displayed after registration.
  • Did the developer only prevent XSS on your profile? about making a post or adding someone?

***Can i register with my social media account?

  • if yes , Is there any type of Oauth flow implementation?which i may be able to leak?
  • what social media account are allowed?
  • what information do they trust from my social media profile?
  • Try discovering stored XSS via importing my facebook album conveniently named `"".

***what characters are allowed? Is <>" ' allowed in my name" ?

  • Enter the XSS process testing. <script> Test my not work but <script does)
  • what about unicode , %00, %0d ?
  • how will it react to me providing myemail%00@email.com?
  • it may read it as mymail@email.com?
  • is it the same when signing up with their mobile app?

Can i sign up using @target.com or is it blacklisted?

  • if yes to being blacklisted why?
  • Perhaps it has special privileges/features after signing up?
  • Can you bypass this ? Always sign up using your target email address.

***What happens if i revisit the register page after signing up?

  • Does it redirect, and can i control this with a parameter?(Most likely yes!)
  • what happens if i re-sign up as an authenticated user?
  • Think about it from developers' perspective.
  • They want users to have a good experience so revisiting the register page when authenticated should redirect you.
  • Enter the need for parameters to control where to redirect the user!

what parameter are used on this endpoint?

  • Any listed in the source or javascript?
  • Is it the same for every language type as well device (Desktop vs mobile)

***if applicable, what do the .js files do on this page?

  • the login page has specific "login.js" file which contains more URLs
  • This may give an indication that the site relies on a .js file for each feature!
  • here is video about hunting for js file . Let’s be a dork and read .js files

***what does Google know about the register page?

  • Login/register pages change often (user experience again) and Google robots indexes and remembers a LOT.
    • site:example.com inurl:register inurl:&
    • site:example.com inurl:signup inurl:&
    • `site:example.com inurl:join inurl:&.

Login Process (and reset password)

***is there a redirect parameter used on the login page?

  • Typically the answer will be yes.
  • As they want to control where to redirect the user after logging in.
  • User experience is the key for developers
  • Even if you don't see one being used try the most common ones:
    • returnUrl
    • goto
    • return_url
    • returnUri
    • cancelUrl
    • back
    • returnTo

what happens if i try login with myemail%00@email.com?

  • Does it recognise it as myemail@email.com and maybe log me in?
  • if yes yes signup with my%00email@email.com and try for an account takeover.
  • think about the same when claiming a username too

***Can i login with my social media account? if yes

  • is there any Oauth implementation which require tokens which i may be able to leak?
  • what social media is allowed ? is it the same for all countries?
  • You may think this is related to the registration process however not always.
  • sometime you can only login via social media but can't register and you connect it once logged in
  • which would be another process to test in itself?

***How does the mobile login flow differ from desktop?

  • Remember, user experience! Mobile website are designed for user to have easiest flow as they don't have a mouse to easily navigate.

***when resetting your password what parameters are used?

  • perhaps it will be vulnerable to IDOR (try injecting an id parameter and testing for HPP!).
  • is the host header trusted?
  • Imagine resetting the password you set the host to: Host:evil.com, will it then trust this value & send it in the email? leading to reset password token leak when the user clicks on the link(leading to evil.com/resetpassword?token=123)
  • Typically you can test the login/register/reset password for rate limiting (brute force attack) but often this is considered informative/out of scope?
  • check the program policy & check their stance on this
  • Most websites implement strong password polices and 2FA.

Updating account information

***Is there any CSRF protection when updating your profile information?

  • There should be , so expect it. Remember,
  • we're expecting this site to be secure and we want to challenge ourselves on bypassing their protection.
  • if yes how is this validated?
  • what happens when i send a blank CSRF token? or a different token with the same length?

***Any second confirmation for changing your email/password?

  • if no, you can chain this with XSS for account takeover.
  • Typically by itself it isn't an issue,
  • if the program wants to see impact from XSS then this is something to consider?

***How do they handle basic <>" ' characters and where are they reflected?

  • what about unicode? %09 %07 %0d%0a These characters should be tested everywhere possible.
  • leave no stone untuned.

***can i input my own URL on my profile?

  • what filtering is in place to prevent something such as javascript:alert(0)?
  • its a key area to look for when setting up my profile.

***is updating my account information different on the mobile app?

  • most mobile apps will use an API to update information (check IDOR)
  • check if desktop filtering is the same as the one on mobile. (XSS)

***How do they handle photo/video uploads (if a vailable)?

  • what sort of filtering is in place?
  • Can i upload .txt even though it say .jpg .png is allowed?
  • Do they store these files on root domain or is it hosted elsewhere?
  • check if the domain where its stored is included in the CSP

***what information is actually available on my public profile that i can control?

  • The key is what you can control how and where its reflected.
  • what's in place to prevent me from entering malicious HTML in my bio ?
  • Maybe they used htmlentities so <> "is filtered, and it's reflected as:
    • `
  • if you could use ');alert('example'); which result in:
    • <div id="example" onclick="runjs('userinput');alert('example');">

Developer tools

Theses include something such as :

  • Testing webhooks
  • oauth flows
  • graphql explorers
    These are tool set up to help developers to explore and test various API's publicly

***where are they?

  • Do they host it themselves or is it hosted on AWS?
  • Usually it is. if it is hosted on AWS then your aim will be to read AWS keys.

***what tools are available for developers?

  • can i test a webhook event for example?
  • just google for SSRF webhook and you'll see

***Can i actually see the response on any tools ?

  • if yes, focus on this as with the response we prove impact easier if we find a bug.

***Can i create my own application ?

  • how about the permission (token)

***After creating an application, how does the login flow actually work?And when i "disconnect"the application from my profile.is the token invalidated?

  • Are there anew return_uri parameters used and how do they work?
  • You can discover the company's whitelist certain domains for debugging/testing.
  • Try -theirdomain.com, .aws.amazon.com. http://localhost
  • its common but it doesn't affect users.

***Does the wiki/help docs reveal any information on how the API works?

  • the wiki provide information on how the token was authenticated
  • API docs also reveal more API endpoints , plus keywords for your wordlist. you are building for you target

***Can i upload any files such as an application image?

  • is the filtering the same as updating my account information?
  • is it using another/different codebase?
  • finding example.com not vulnerable to picture upload doesn't mean different code is used when uploading a profile photo on developer.example.com

***Can i create a separate account on the developer site or does it share the same session from the main domain?

  • what's the login process like if so?
  • sometime you can login to the developer site (developer.example.com) via your main session(www.example.com)
  • There could be token exchange handled by a redirect.
  • Try entering the open url you have discovered by now.
  • if the account is brand new re-enter that open url redirect
  • see what is reflected and where

The main feature of the site.

  • This depends on the website you are testing
    • example website which handle file upload
  • take your time testing each feature,Try getting a mind map on how the website is put together.
  • Notice all requests use GraphQL, or discover the same parameters used throughout, "xyz_id =11 "
  • same code? One bug equals many.

***Are all of the features on the main web application also available on the mobile app?

  • Do they work differently at all?
  • Sometimes some feature on mobile app aren't available on the Desktop.
  • Test different country tides as they may offer different features if its in scope.
  • check payment checkout if they are the same for other countries

***What features are actually available to me?

  • what do they do and what type of data is handled?
  • Do multiple features all use the same data source?
  • Is the request the same for each feature to retrieve information(API)? example:final checkout page with a product page to estimate shipping.
  • is it different parameters/endpoints throughout.

***Can i pay for any upgraded features?

  • if yes test with paid vs free account.
  • Can the free account access the paid features without paying?

***what are the oldest features?

  • research for the features they were excited to release but didn't workout.
  • Google dorking around can help you find old files
  • old code = bugs.

***what new features do they plan on releasing?

***Do any feature offer a privacy setting? (private & public)?

  • Testing features see if they are intended to work.
  • Is that post really private?
  • focus on what is in front of you

***if any features have different account level permission?

  • (admin,moderator,user,guest)
  • Test the various level of permissions?
  • Can the guest make API calls only a moderator should be able to?

Payment features

***what features are available if i upgrade my account?

  • can i access them without paying? How? (business impact loss of revenue bag) not paid.

***Is it easily obtainable

  • From an XSS because it's in the HTML DOM?
  • Chain XSS to leak payment information for higher impact

***what payment option are available for different counties?

Next is to expand our attack surface and dig deeper.

Step Two : Expanding our attack surface.

Start by running the subdomain scanning tools.

  • start looking at domains with function features
    Start google dorking some common keywords. This is hunting for domains with functionality.

***Google is great TOOL to spider the world.

  • As long as you ask the right questions?
  • Don't overlook on duplicating results from google.
  • if you scroll to the last page of your search & click repeat the search with omitted results included.
  • Then more result will appear
  • As you are dorking you can use keywords to remove some certain endpoints you're not interested in
  • check also the mobile user-agent with the Desktop as the results are different

***Dorking for file extensions.

  • php, aspx, jsp, txt, xml, bak.
  • Revealing the file extension can give you an insight in the web technology used on the domain and server
  • can also help you to know which wordlist you are going to use when fuzzing
  • can even get lucky and find sensitive file exposed
  • Don't not blindly use wordlist on your target use meaningful wordlist to yield better results.

***Dorking on GitHub, Shodan , BinaryEdge.

  • search for strings search as "domain.com" api_secret, api_key, apiSecret, password, admin_password


  • To quickly scan the robots.txt of each domain
  • Why robots.txt? because Robots.txt contains a list of endpoints the website own does & does NOT want indexed by google so for example
  • it may reveal the third party software used and guess what id on the subdomain
  • Robot.txt is a great starting indicator to determine whether a subdomain is worth scanning for further directories/files.
  • Find subdomain which have function to play with rather than relying on the wordlist

Burp intruder to scan for robots.txt.

Run XAMPP locally, host a basic PHP script:


  • <?php header("Location:".$_GET['url']; ?)>
  • we are looking for keywords such as "dev", "prod", "qa"?
  • Are there third party controlled domain such as careers.target.com?


  • this enables you to see a site history for years ago and sometimes old files referenced in robots.txt

***Scanning with FFUF, CommonSpeak

  • looking for sensitive files & directories

Don't forget to test for GET.POST! i have had cases where it wasn't vulnerable in a GET request but it was in a POST.$_GET vs $_POST

Note:[Going through everything again is important. The more you look the more you learn, you cant find everything on the first look]

  • checking for .JS file on each endpoint. looking at developers notes as well as more interesting endpoints

Step Three Time to automate! Rinse & Repeat

check out NahamSec to help you out on Recon: https://github.com/nahamsec/lazyrecon

Staying up to date with new program : https://twitter.com/disclosedh1

Checkout the writeup of some common bugs:

I recommend you check out my following list & simply follow all of them.

Find other sites hosted on a web server by entering a domain or IP address

A list of useful payloads and bypass for Web Application Security and Pentest/CTF

Just a quick useful list of url encoded characters you may need when hacking.

Upload an .apk and scan it for any hardcoded URLs/strings

Find any alphanumeric snippet, signature or keyword in the web pages HTML, JS and CSS code.

Up to date list of write ups from the bug bounty community

A great site that every dedicated researcher should visit regularly. Podcast, newsletter, cheatsheets, challenges, Pentester.land references all your needed resources.

A list of some tools used in the industry provided by the researchers themselves

https://github.com/cujanovic/Open-Redirect-Payloads/blob/master/Open-Redirect-pa yloads.txt
A list of useful open url redirect payloads

https://www.jsfiddle.net and https://www.jsbin.com/ for playing with HTML in a sandbox. Useful for testing various payloads.

Twitter handle to follow

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